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Photo: Arizona wants to use Zyklon B (Hydrogen Cyanide Gas) to execute inmates on death row Arizona wants to use Zyklon B (Hydrogen Cyanide Gas) to execute inmates on death row
Jerusalem Post - Tue Jun 1, 2021
FLORENCE, Arizona - Hydrogen cyanide gas, named by the Third Reich as Zyklon B, was used by the Nazis to kill over a million people in the Holocaust and the state of Arizona now wants to use it in executions. More»

Photo: How to Dodge and Disarm the Sonic Weapon Used by Police How to Dodge and Disarm the Sonic Weapon Used by Police
Popular Mechanics - Sun Jun 21, 2020
Audio producer Cory Choy was reporting on the 2014 Black Lives Matter protests in New York City when he first experienced sound as a weapon. More»

Photo: Chilling role of 'the Preacher' confirmed at CIA waterboarding hearing in Guantánamo Chilling role of 'the Preacher' confirmed at CIA waterboarding hearing in Guantánamo
The Guardian - Sun Jan 26, 2020
There were three men authorised by the CIA to carry out waterboarding on detainees in America's "war on terror". More»

Photo: Woman forced to give birth alone in Denver jail cell with no medical treatment Woman forced to give birth alone in Denver jail cell with no medical treatment
KDVR-TV - Thu Aug 29, 2019
DENVER, Colorado - A woman is suing the city and county of Denver, Denver Health Medical Center and six individuals after she said she was forced to deliver a baby alone on a bench in a jail cell at the Denver County Jail. More»

Photo: This is the week it became accurate to compare Trump to Hitler This is the week it became accurate to compare Trump to Hitler
Salon - Wed Jul 3, 2019
The presidency of Donald Trump has been one horror after another - the endless lying, the coddling and worship of dictators, the rank incompetence and corruption of the people he has chosen to run government departments, the saber-rattling and about-facing with various enemies, the repeated attacks on voting rights and free speech and a free press, the countenancing of rank racism and white supremacy in Charlottesville and elsewhere, the personal corruption and grifting at his resorts and golf clubs, the reverence for a celebration of ignorance, the disdain for science and expertise, the constant tweeting and spewing of hate and stupidity and racism and misogyny and xenophobia - the list goes on. More»