Arizona wants to use Zyklon B (Hydrogen Cyanide Gas) to execute inmates on death row
Jerusalem Post - Tue Jun 1, 2021
FLORENCE, Arizona - Hydrogen cyanide gas, named by the Third Reich as Zyklon B, was used by the Nazis to kill over a million people in the Holocaust and the state of Arizona now wants to use it in executions. More»
How to Dodge and Disarm the Sonic Weapon Used by Police
Popular Mechanics - Sun Jun 21, 2020
Audio producer Cory Choy was reporting on the 2014 Black Lives Matter protests in New York City when he first experienced sound as a weapon. More»
Chilling role of 'the Preacher' confirmed at CIA waterboarding hearing in Guantánamo
The Guardian - Sun Jan 26, 2020
There were three men authorised by the CIA to carry out waterboarding on detainees in America's "war on terror". More»
Woman forced to give birth alone in Denver jail cell with no medical treatment
KDVR-TV - Thu Aug 29, 2019
DENVER, Colorado - A woman is suing the city and county of Denver, Denver Health Medical Center and six individuals after she said she was forced to deliver a baby alone on a bench in a jail cell at the Denver County Jail. More»
This is the week it became accurate to compare Trump to Hitler
Salon - Wed Jul 3, 2019
The presidency of Donald Trump has been one horror after another - the endless lying, the coddling and worship of dictators, the rank incompetence and corruption of the people he has chosen to run government departments, the saber-rattling and about-facing with various enemies, the repeated attacks on voting rights and free speech and a free press, the countenancing of rank racism and white supremacy in Charlottesville and elsewhere, the personal corruption and grifting at his resorts and golf clubs, the reverence for a celebration of ignorance, the disdain for science and expertise, the constant tweeting and spewing of hate and stupidity and racism and misogyny and xenophobia - the list goes on. More»