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Domestic Spying - Articles

Photo: Bush calls for expansion of spy law Bush calls for expansion of spy law
Associated Press - Tue Sep 18, 2007
FORT MEADE, Maryland - President Bush said Wednesday he wants Congress to expand and make permanent a law that temporarily gives the government more power to eavesdrop without warrants on suspected foreign terrorists. More»

Photo: DHS ends criticized data-mining program DHS ends criticized data-mining program
Associated Press - Tue Sep 4, 2007
WASHINGTON - The Homeland Security Department has given up on one of its broadest anti-terrorism data-mining tools after investigators found it was tested with information about real people without the required privacy safeguards. More»

Photo: "Big Brother" Watched George Orwell "Big Brother" Watched George Orwell
AFP - Mon Sep 3, 2007
LONDON - The MI5 intelligence agency kept tabs on George Orwell for more than two decades but did not believe he was a mainstream communist, according to records made public on Tuesday. More»

Photo: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Has Resigned Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Has Resigned
Associated Press - Sun Aug 26, 2007
CRAWFORD, Texas - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned, ending a months long standoff with critics over the botched handling of FBI terror investigations and the firings of U. More»

Photo: Pentagon to shut down controversial database Pentagon to shut down controversial database
Associated Press - Mon Aug 20, 2007
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon said Tuesday that it will shut down an anti-terror database that has been criticized for improperly storing information on peace activists and others whose actions posed no threat. More»

Photo: Secret Spy Court To Consider ACLU Request For Bush Spying Orders Secret Spy Court To Consider ACLU Request For Bush Spying Orders
Wired - Fri Aug 17, 2007
In a surprising move, a secret spying court ordered the Bush Administration to respond to the ACLU's request for the court to reveal the legal pinnings behind its decisions that gave legal blessing to the government's warrantless wiretapping program. More»

Photo: Law widens govt's right to listen in Law widens govt's right to listen in
USA Today - Sun Aug 5, 2007
WASHINGTON - President Bush signed a bill Sunday that expands the government's power to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects, even as Democratic leaders criticized the law and vowed to change it. More»

Photo: Bush Sets Up Domestic Spy Service Bush Sets Up Domestic Spy Service
BBC - Thu Jun 22, 2006
US President George W Bush has ordered the creation of a domestic intelligence service within the FBI, as part of a package of 70 new security measures. More»

Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room
Wired News - Tue Apr 11, 2006
AT&T provided National Security Agency eavesdroppers with full access to its customers' phone calls, and shunted its customers' internet traffic to data-mining equipment installed in a secret room in its San Francisco switching center, according to a former AT&T worker cooperating in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's lawsuit against the company. More»

Photo: Google Ordered to Hand Over Data Google Ordered to Hand Over Data
BBC - Sat Mar 18, 2006
A federal judge has ordered internet search engine Google to turn over some search data, including 50,000 web addresses, to the US government. More»

Pay Too Much On Your Card Debt & DHS Notified!
The Providence Journal - Thu Mar 2, 2006
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island - Walter Soehnge is a retired Texas schoolteacher who traveled north with his wife, Deana, saw summer change to fall in Rhode Island and decided this was a place to stay for a while. More»

Sen. Robert Byrd: No President Is Above the Law
Senator Robert C. Byrd - Tue Dec 20, 2005
Americans have been stunned at the recent news of the abuses of power by an overzealous President. More»

Photo: Feds to library record-keeper: Tell no-one we told you to tell us everything Feds to library record-keeper: Tell no-one we told you to tell us everything
Washington Post - Tue Nov 8, 2005
The FBI came calling in Windsor, Connecticut, this summer with a document marked for delivery by hand. More»

ChoicePoint Wins Big Brother Award
Wired - Sun Apr 17, 2005
A data broker that sold personal information to identity thieves, an elementary school that tried to track students with radio-frequency ID tags and a consulting firm that helped orchestrate an invasive traveler-monitoring system all received honors this week from privacy rights advocates. More»

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