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Domestic Spying - Articles

Photo: CIA Targeted Noam Chomsky, Documents Reveal CIA Targeted Noam Chomsky, Documents Reveal
AlterNet - Tue Aug 13, 2013
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) spied on famed activist and linguist Noam Chomsky in the 1970s, documents obtained by Foreign Policy confirm. More»

Photo: The Post Office Is Spying On You Too! The Post Office Is Spying On You Too!
AlterNet - Wed Jul 3, 2013
The NSA isn't the only federal agency collecting your metadata. More»

Photo: EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour" EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"
The Telegraph, UK - Mon Sep 3, 2012
A five-year research programme, called Project Indect, aims to develop computer programmes which act as "agents" to monitor and process information from web sites, discussion forums, file servers, peer-to-peer networks and even individual computers. More»

Photo: Lawyer for Assange detained at Heathrow and told she was on a 'secret watch list' Lawyer for Assange detained at Heathrow and told she was on a 'secret watch list'
The Daily Mail - Sun Sep 2, 2012
A lawyer acting for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says she was stopped at Heathrow and told that she was on a secret watch-list and required special clearance before she could board her plane. More»

Photo: Carrier IQ: Researcher Trevor Eckhart Outs Creepy, Hidden App Installed On Smartphones Carrier IQ: Researcher Trevor Eckhart Outs Creepy, Hidden App Installed On Smartphones
Huffington Post - Tue Nov 29, 2011
A security researcher has posted a video detailing hidden software installed on smart phones that logs numerous details about users' activities. More»

OnStar Tracks Your Car Even When You Cancel Service
Wired - Mon Sep 19, 2011
Navigation-and-emergency-services company OnStar is notifying its six million account holders that it will keep a complete accounting of the speed and location of OnStar-equipped vehicles, even for drivers who discontinue monthly service. More»

TSA security looks at people who complain about ... TSA security
CNN - Thu Apr 14, 2011
Don't like the way airport screeners are doing their job? You might not want to complain too much while standing in line. More»

Photo: Actor Mark Ruffalo placed on terror watch list for supporting a documentary about gas drilling Actor Mark Ruffalo placed on terror watch list for supporting a documentary about gas drilling
The Daily Mail - Sun Nov 28, 2010
Hollywood star Mark Ruffalo has been placed on a terror watch list by US officials after organizing screenings for a new documentary about natural gas drilling. More»

Photo: The solar-powered spy plane that will be able to fly non-stop for FIVE years The solar-powered spy plane that will be able to fly non-stop for FIVE years
The Daily Mail - Sun Sep 19, 2010
Boeing is developing a solar-powered unmanned aircraft that will be able to fly non-stop for more than five years. More»

Feds: No Charges In Pa. School Laptop-Spying Case
Associated Press - Mon Aug 16, 2010
PHILADELPHIA - Federal prosecutors will not file charges against a school district or its employees over the use of software to remotely monitor students. More»

Photo: NSA to Spy on Critical Infrastructure NSA to Spy on Critical Infrastructure
Wired - Thu Jul 8, 2010
The NSA has a new program called "Perfect Citizen" that lets it monitor the networks of utilities and other "critical" infrastructure to identify potential electronic attacks, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday. More»

FBI wants records kept of Web sites visited
CNET - Tue Feb 9, 2010
WASHINGTON - The FBI is pressing Internet service providers to record which Web sites customers visit and retain those logs for two years, a requirement that law enforcement believes could help it in investigations of child pornography and other serious crimes. More»

Bush Feared Successor Might Revoke Telco Spy Immunity
Wired - Thu Nov 12, 2009
The George W Bush administration expressed concern future administrations might not use the legal amnesty it wanted to give the nation's telecommunication companies that were being sued for assisting the president's warrantless, electronic wiretapping program, according to internal documents released Thursday. More»

Telephone Company Is Arm of Government, Feds Admit in Spy Suit
Wired - Wed Oct 7, 2009
The Department of Justice has finally admitted it in court papers: The nation's telecom companies are an arm of the government - at least when it comes to secret spying. More»

Will airports screen for body signals?
CNN - Mon Oct 5, 2009
BOSTON, Massachusetts - The days of being able to walk through airport security checkpoints while wearing shoes and a jacket could return if an experimental program proves successful, some Department of Homeland Security officials say. More»

Photo: Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror memos Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror memos
Associated Press - Sun Mar 1, 2009
WASHINGTON - The Obama administration threw open the curtain on years of Bush-era secrets Monday, revealing anti-terror memos that claimed exceptional search-and-seizure powers and divulging that the CIA destroyed nearly 100 videotapes of interrogations and other treatment of terror suspects. More»

Photo: Judge orders White House to produce wiretap memos Judge orders White House to produce wiretap memos
Associated Press - Sat Nov 1, 2008
WASHINGTON - A judge has ordered the Justice Department to produce White House memos that provide the legal basis for the Bush administration's post-September 11 warrantless wiretapping program. More»

Scientists question terrorist-hunting techniques
CNN - Mon Oct 6, 2008
Two methods the federal government wants to use to find terrorists -- "data mining" and "behavior detection" -- are dubious scientifically and have "enormous potential" for infringing on law-abiding Americans' privacy, a consortium of scientists said. More»

Darpa Budget Cut $130 Million for 'Poor Execution'
Wired - Wed Sep 24, 2008
Congress just cut $130 million from Darpa's budget for next year, citing "poor execution" of previous funded projects. More»

FBI to newspapers: Sorry about your phone records
Associated Press - Fri Aug 8, 2008
FBI Director Robert Mueller has apologized to the editors of The Washington Post and The New York Times for improperly obtaining phone records of the newspapers' reporters while investigating terrorism four years ago. More»

Police infiltrate and spy on anti-death penalty groups
WBAL-TV - Sat Jul 26, 2008
An 11News I-Team investigation has revealed what prompted Maryland State police to infiltrate and spy on anti-death penalty groups. More»

ACLU releases docs detailing police monitoring
Associated Press - Thu Jul 17, 2008
BALTIMORE - Undercover Maryland state police officers infiltrated meetings of peace and anti-death penalty groups for more than a year, according to documents released Thursday by the state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. More»

9/11 attacks harm First Amendment
Associated Press - Wed Mar 5, 2008
WASHINGTON - The shadow of the September 11 terror attacks is eclipsing press freedom and other constitutional safeguards in the United States, Associated Press President and CEO Tom Curley said Thursday. More»

More FBI privacy violations confirmed
Associated Press - Tue Mar 4, 2008
The FBI acknowledged Wednesday it improperly accessed Americans' telephone records, credit reports and Internet traffic in 2006, the fourth straight year of privacy abuses resulting from investigations aimed at tracking terrorists and spies. More»

FBI's Sought Approval for Custom Spyware in FISA Court
Wired News - Tue Feb 5, 2008
The FBI sought approval to use its CIPAV spyware program from the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in terrorism or foreign spying cases, THREAT LEVEL has learned. More»

Bush wants to beef up Earth monitoring
Associated Press - Sun Feb 3, 2008
After years cutting of budgets for tracking global warming, President Bush on Monday proposed more than a $1 billion increase over the next five years for launching more and better Earth-observing satellites. More»

FBI chief Hoover proposed mass arrests in 1950
AFP - Sat Dec 22, 2007
Former FBI director J Edgar Hoover proposed imprisoning 12,000 Americans in 1950 and suspending their right to habeas corpus because they were "potentially dangerous," the New York Times reported on Sunday. More»

Intel official: Expect less privacy
Associated Press - Sat Nov 10, 2007
WASHINGTON - As Congress debates new rules for government eavesdropping, a top intelligence official says it is time that people in the United States changed their definition of privacy. More»

Photo: US accused of making insect spy robots US accused of making insect spy robots
Telegraph UK - Tue Oct 9, 2007
The US government has been accused of secretly developing robotic insect spies amid reports of bizarre flying objects hovering in the air above anti-war protests. More»

US govt collects data on Americans overseas
AFP - Fri Sep 21, 2007
WASHINGTON - The US government is compiling electronic files on the travel habits of millions of Americans who take trips overseas, The Washington Post reported Saturday. More»

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