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Neuroscience - Articles

Neuroscientists Explore The Biological Basis Of Not Giving A Sh*T
Raw Story - Wed Aug 31, 2016
We tend to look down on apathy, a quality associated with laziness, civic disaffection and moral indifference. More»

Photo: Psychopaths' Brains Are Wired Differently Psychopaths' Brains Are Wired Differently
Science Daily - Sun Mar 14, 2010
The brains of psychopaths appear to be wired to keep seeking a reward at any cost, new research from Vanderbilt University finds. More»

After Abuse, Changes in the Brain
New York Times - Thu Feb 26, 2009
For years, psychiatrists have known that children who are abused or neglected run a high risk of developing mental problems later in life, from anxiety and depression to substance abuse and suicide. More»

Sports Concussions Pose Long-Term Threat
US News - Wed Dec 31, 2008
Sports-related concussions pose a big risk to children and teenagers, particularly since kids rarely tell parents or coaches that they've been bonked in the head so hard that they feel confused, nauseous, or have a headache that won't go away. More»

Photo: Cannabis 'could stop dementia in its tracks' Cannabis 'could stop dementia in its tracks'
Daily Mail - Thu Nov 20, 2008
Cannabis may help keep Alzheimer's disease at bay. More»

Massachusetts woman diagnosed with rare brain disease
Associated Press - Mon Jul 21, 2008
BOSTON - An elderly woman has been diagnosed with a rare brain disorder, state health officials said Monday. More»

Photo: Brain injuries from war worse than thought Brain injuries from war worse than thought
USA Today - Sun Sep 23, 2007
Scientists trying to understand traumatic brain injury from bomb blasts are finding the wound more insidious than they once thought. More»

Photo: Thousands of GIs cope with brain damage Thousands of GIs cope with brain damage
Associated Press - Sat Sep 8, 2007
The war in Iraq is not over, but one legacy is already here in this city and others across America: an epidemic of brain-damaged soldiers. More»

Hormone Spray Is Found To Bolster Trust in Others
Washington Post - Tue May 31, 2005
Scientists have found the chemical equivalent of the perfect sales pitch: a hormone that makes us more trusting than we normally are. More»

Pesticide Lnked to Parkinson's Disease
BBC - Wed May 25, 2005
Exposure to pesticides could increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, researchers have warned. More»

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