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Health News

Photo: Study: Agent Orange may have affected Air Force workers after Vietnam Study: Agent Orange may have affected Air Force workers after Vietnam
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jan 8, 2015
Two dozen US Air Force planes used to spray Agent Orange during the Vietnam War remained contaminated with the herbicide at levels that likely posed a health risk to some personnel who flew on them in the decade after the conflict, according to a new report. More»

Photo: Pictured: First Ebola patient diagnosed on American soil Pictured: First Ebola patient diagnosed on American soil
Daily Mail - Wed Oct 1, 2014
Texas governor Rick Perry reveals schoolchildren from FOUR different schools have been exposed and 18 Americans could be infected. More»

Three 9/11 firefighters die of cancer in one day
AFP - Sat Sep 27, 2014
New York - Three New York firefighters who worked at the World Trade Center ruins after the September 11 attacks died within hours of each other from cancer, fire officials said Thursday. More»

Photo: Group says it gave hundreds of veterans free pot Group says it gave hundreds of veterans free pot
AP - Mon Sep 22, 2014
DENVER - Hundreds of military veterans received free marijuana during a special giveaway in Denver designed to show that pot can help ease their pain. More»

The Deadly Disease in Meat That Health Officials Are Ignoring
AlterNet - Tue Jun 24, 2014
When the first US mad cow was found in late 2003, 98 percent of US beef exports evaporated overnight. More»

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
Time - Tue Jun 17, 2014
The US health care system has been subject to heated debate over the past decade, but one thing that has remained consistent is the level of performance, which has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time, according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey 2014. More»

Photo: Mad cow disease death confirmed in Texas Mad cow disease death confirmed in Texas
CNN - Thu Jun 5, 2014
Mad cow disease has caused a fourth death in the United States, health officials say. More»

Chemical-Related Hospital Admissions In West Virginia Have Doubled Since Water Deemed Safe
Think Progress - Sun Jan 19, 2014
It took nearly five days after a major chemical spill in West Virginia for residents to receive the go-ahead to start using their water again. More»

Photo: NH patient likely died of rare brain disease NH patient likely died of rare brain disease
Associated Press - Wed Sep 4, 2013
CONCORD, New Hampshire - Public health officials believe one person in New Hampshire has died of a rare, degenerative brain disease, and say theres a remote chance up to 13 others in multiple states were exposed to the fatal illness through surgical equipment. More»

Photo: Groundbreaking Study Links Monsanto's Glyphosate To Cancer Groundbreaking Study Links Monsanto's Glyphosate To Cancer
Collective Evolution - Fri Jun 14, 2013
Glyphosate is a major component of Monsantos Roundup herbicide. More»

Photo: Unapproved genetically modified wheat from Monsanto found in Oregon field Unapproved genetically modified wheat from Monsanto found in Oregon field
Washington Post - Fri May 31, 2013
Japan, the largest market for U. More»

Photo: Marijuana tied to better blood sugar control Marijuana tied to better blood sugar control
Reuters - Fri May 24, 2013
NEW YORK - People who had used marijuana in the past month had smaller waists and lower levels of insulin resistance - a diabetes precursor - than those who never tried the drug, in a new study. More»

Dear American Consumers: Please Don't Start Eating Healthfully. Sincerely, the Food Industry
Scientific American - Mon May 20, 2013
Dear Consumers: A disturbing trend has come to our attention. More»

Photo: Mad cow UK study: About 30,000 Britons may carry dormant disease Mad cow UK study: About 30,000 Britons may carry dormant disease
Global Post - Fri May 3, 2013
Health experts say 30,000 Britons - double a prior estimate - likely carry a dormant form of mad cow disease, and that in a high-case scenario up to 1,000 people could die from it. More»

Los Angeles launches probe of alleged 'patient dumping' by Nevada
Reuters - Thu May 2, 2013
SAN FRANCISCO - Nevada health officials acknowledged on Thursday that a state-run hospital improperly bused 10 newly discharged psychiatric patients out of the state with deficient plans for their care, while Los Angeles launched a criminal probe into the alleged "patient dumping. More»

Some US hospitals are deporting patients without consulting any court
Associated Press - Tue Apr 23, 2013
DES MOINES, Iowa - Days after they were badly hurt in a car accident, Jacinto Cruz and Jose Rodriguez-Saldana lay unconscious in an Iowa hospital while the American health care system weighed what to do with the two immigrants from Mexico. More»

Pediatricians call to keep thimerosal in vaccines
Reuters - Mon Dec 17, 2012
A mercury-containing preservative rarely used in the United States should not be banned as an ingredient in vaccines, US pediatricians said Monday, in a move that may be controversial. More»

Photo: Let's Have Neurotoxins for Dinner. We Trust the Supply Chain! Let's Have Neurotoxins for Dinner. We Trust the Supply Chain!
MSNBC - Wed Jun 27, 2012
A federal plan to battle invasive lionfish by dishing them up on Americas dinner plates may have backfired with the news that the flamboyantly-finned creatures can harbor a potentially dangerous neurotoxin. More»

Photo: Baby soaps and shampoos trigger positive marijuana tests Baby soaps and shampoos trigger positive marijuana tests
Time - Wed Jun 20, 2012
Commonly used baby soaps and shampoos, including products from Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno and CVS, can trigger a positive result on newborns marijuana screening tests. More»

Photo: Guatemalans to file appeal over STD experiments Guatemalans to file appeal over STD experiments
CNN - Sun Jun 17, 2012
The victims and heirs of US experiments involving sexually transmitted diseases and human subjects in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948 will appeal following the dismissal of their lawsuit against the US government. More»

Suicides Outpacing War Deaths for Troops
New York Times - Sat Jun 9, 2012
The suicide rate among the nations active-duty military personnel has spiked this year, eclipsing the number of troops dying in battle and on pace to set a record annual high since the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan more than a decade ago, the Pentagon said Friday. More»

Photo: US denies name change for high-fructose corn syrup US denies name change for high-fructose corn syrup
AFP - Thu May 31, 2012
US regulators denied a request to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup to merely "corn sugar," in a high-profile dispute between two industries. More»

Photo: Mad Cow Disease Confirmed In California Dairy Cow, USDA Says Mad Cow Disease Confirmed In California Dairy Cow, USDA Says
Huffington Post - Tue Apr 24, 2012
The USDA has confirmed that a case of mad cow disease was found in a California dairy cow. More»

For Pennsylvania's Doctors, a Gag Order on Fracking Chemicals
The Atlantic - Mon Mar 26, 2012
Under a new law, doctors in Pennsylvania can access information about chemicals used in natural gas extraction -- but they wont be able to share it with their patients. More»

Photo: Wal-Mart pulls formula after baby dies in Missouri Wal-Mart pulls formula after baby dies in Missouri
Associated Press - Fri Dec 23, 2011
COLUMBIA, Missouri - Wal-Mart and health officials awaited tests Thursday on a batch of powdered infant formula that was removed from more than 3,000 stores nationwide after a Missouri newborn who consumed it apparently died from a rare infection. More»

Photo: Pesticides in food linked to ADHD in kids Pesticides in food linked to ADHD in kids
MSNBC - Sat Sep 10, 2011
Levels of pesticides commonly encountered across the country in food as well as around the home are significantly increasing childrens risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and could be causing an increase in the number of children living with the condition, according to new research published in the journal Pediatrics. More»

Photo: Even those insured may face big bills Even those insured may face big bills
Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Sat Sep 10, 2011
State Representative Rusty Kidd was being carried down stairs in his wheelchair last November when one of the steps suddenly broke. More»

Modified ecstasy "attacks blood cancers"
BBC - Tue Aug 23, 2011
Modified ecstasy could one day have a role to play in fighting some blood cancers, according to scientists. More»

Photo: New Study Links Mountaintop Removal to 60,000 Additional Cancer Cases New Study Links Mountaintop Removal to 60,000 Additional Cancer Cases
AlterNet - Tue Jul 26, 2011
Among the 1. More»

Photo: Experts say cellphones are possibly carcinogenic Experts say cellphones are possibly carcinogenic
Associated Press - Mon May 30, 2011
LONDON - An international panel of experts says cellphones are possibly carcinogenic to humans after reviewing details from dozens of published studies. More»

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