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Health News

Photo: Minnesota law sheds light on drug companies Minnesota law sheds light on drug companies
Associated Press - Mon Aug 20, 2007
Saint Paul, Minnesota - A groundbreaking Minnesota law is shining a rare light into the big money that drug companies spend on members of state advisory panels who help select which drugs are used in Medicaid programs for the poor and disabled. More»

Seniors head south to Mexican nursing homes
USA Today - Tue Aug 14, 2007
AJIJIC, Mexico - After Jean Douglas turned 70, she realized she couldnt take care of herself anymore. More»

Photo: Hospitals are shutting down burn centers Hospitals are shutting down burn centers
Associated Press - Mon Aug 6, 2007
US hospitals are increasingly shutting down their burn centers in a trend experts say could leave the nation unable to handle widespread burn casualties from a fiery terrorist attack or other major disaster. More»

South Korea suspends US beef imports again over banned bones
Associated Press - Wed Aug 1, 2007
SEOUL - South Korea has again suspended US beef imports after inspectors discovered banned bones in a recent shipment, officials said Thursday. More»

Bovine gelatin spray "used to extend meat shelf life"
Food Quality News - Tue Jul 31, 2007
Sheryl Barringer and a researcher team at Ohio State University conducted the study by spraying a 20 per cent bovine gelatin solution onto beef tenderloins, pork loins, salmon fillets, and chicken breasts. More»

Kroger Milk Dumps Hormone
Cincinatti Enquirer - Tue Jul 31, 2007
Kroger will sell only milk certified to be free of a bovine growth hormone by February 2008, the Cincinnati-based grocer said today. More»

How a hospital death became a cause celebre
Los Angeles Times - Thu Jun 14, 2007
It might have gone down as the death of a "quasi-transient" woman with a history of abusing drugs. More»

Photo: Mad Cow USA - The Coverup Continues in Washington Mad Cow USA - The Coverup Continues in Washington
Associated Press - Mon May 28, 2007
The Associated Press notes that the Bush administration "will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease. More»

Bacteria and Depression
The Economist - Sun Apr 8, 2007
An unexpected explanation for the rise of depression. More»

Photo: Girl's death stirs debate over psychiatric meds Girl's death stirs debate over psychiatric meds
Associated Press - Thu Mar 22, 2007
HULL, Massachusetts - In the final months of Rebecca Rileys life, a school nurse said the little girl was so weak she was like a "floppy doll. More»

Photo: Bush Proposal Will Cut Medicaid Drug Payments Bush Proposal Will Cut Medicaid Drug Payments
San Francisco Chronicle - Sun Dec 17, 2006
Washington -- The Bush administration today will propose sweeping reductions in payments to pharmacies as a way to save money for Medicaid, the health program for more than 50 million poor people. More»

Photo: Renowned cancer scientist was paid by Monsanto for 20 years Renowned cancer scientist was paid by Monsanto for 20 years
The Guardian, UK - Sat Dec 9, 2006
A world-famous British scientist failed to disclose that he held a paid consultancy with a chemical company for more than 20 years while investigating cancer risks in the industry, the Guardian can reveal. More»

Photo: Air Force's Agent Orange Study Ends Air Force's Agent Orange Study Ends
Associated Press - Wed Sep 6, 2006
ROCKVILLE, Maryland - The government is taking steps to preserve data and biological specimens from a quarter-century investigation into the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans, having found an elevated risk for diabetes but no clear links to cancer from the soon-to-end study. More»

Photo: Acupuncture Relieves Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia, Mayo Clinic Study Finds Acupuncture Relieves Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia, Mayo Clinic Study Finds
Medical News Today - Wed Jun 14, 2006
Evidence suggests acupuncture reduces the symptoms of fibromyalgia, according to a Mayo Clinic study. More»

Photo: Emergency Medical System In Crisis, USA Emergency Medical System In Crisis, USA
Medical News Today - Wed Jun 14, 2006
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) says the American emergency medical system is in crisis - it is seriously short of resources, fragmented and splitting at the seams. More»

CDC forming Morgellons task force
KENS-TV - Mon May 22, 2006
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched an investigation into the skin condition called Morgellons disease. More»

VA apologizes for investigating nurse on 'sedition'
Associated Press - Tue Apr 18, 2006
ALBUQUERQUE - The Veterans Affairs secretary has acknowledged his agency was wrong to investigate a nurse at the Albuquerque VA hospital on an accusation of sedition. More»

Patient's Survival is Bad for Business
CNN - Mon Apr 3, 2006
When M Smith learned she had AIDS in the early 1990s, she figured it was a death sentence. More»

Happy Doomsday to You!
Washington Post - Thu Mar 23, 2006
Washington was about one horseman short of an apocalypse yesterday. More»

Angina 'may be missed in women'
BBC - Mon Mar 20, 2006
Women with chest pains may be dying of heart disease unnecessarily because doctors under-estimate the severity of their condition, research suggests. More»

Calf from Alabama 'mad cow' being tested
CNN - Thu Mar 16, 2006
One of at least two calves born to an Alabama cow with mad cow disease will be tested for evidence of the fatal, brain-wasting disease, the states agriculture commissioner said Friday. More»

Photo: Veggies are 40% Less Nutritious than Past Veggies Veggies are 40% Less Nutritious than Past Veggies
ABC News - Thu Mar 2, 2006
Fruits and veggies arent what they used to be, new data suggests. More»

Photo: Secret to Chocolate's Heart Benefits Found Secret to Chocolate's Heart Benefits Found - Wed Jan 18, 2006
A new study reveals the chemical in chocolate that produces known heart-healthy benefits. More»

Photo: Mental Health Link to Diet Change Mental Health Link to Diet Change
BBC - Wed Jan 18, 2006
Changes to diets over the last 50 years may be playing a key role in the rise of mental illness, a study says. More»

Photo: Dogs Smell Cancer in Patients' Breath, Study Shows Dogs Smell Cancer in Patients' Breath, Study Shows
National Geographic News - Fri Jan 13, 2006
Ordinary household dogs with only a few weeks of basic "puppy training" learned to accurately distinguish between breath samples of lung- and breast-cancer patients and healthy subjects. More»

Photo: Tea Could Save Women's Lives Tea Could Save Women's Lives
Ananova - Fri Dec 16, 2005
Drinking just two cups of tea a day could reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, says a new study. More»

Hospital Hit by Stronger Superbug
BBC - Tue Dec 6, 2005
Eleven patients at Walsgrave hospital in Coventry have acquired a superbug said to be stronger than MRSA. More»

Bone marrow donors risk DNA identity mix-up
New Scientist - Thu Oct 27, 2005
IT SOUNDS like an open-and-shut case: a clear DNA match is made between semen from a serious sexual assault and a blood sample from a known criminal. More»

Photo: Ginseng 'helps to ward off colds' Ginseng 'helps to ward off colds'
BBC - Tue Oct 25, 2005
Taking the herbal remedy ginseng reduces the risk of developing a cold, a Canadian study says. More»

Photo: New Scientific Yoga and Art of Relaxation New Scientific Yoga and Art of Relaxation
Medical News Today - Wed Sep 14, 2005
London, UK - Imagine the life when you need only 2 hours of sleep to re-energise. More»

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