Ann Coulter Claims Liberals Want To Rape Her
News Hounds
Thu December 8, 2005
O'Reilly wanted to talk about the far left smear sites attacking Ann Coulter and trying to keep her off CNN on The Factor tonight. 12/01/05 Coulter all flashy bravado told Bill that the attacks were "magnificent" explaining that her recent media exposure has been limited because she's been busy writing another book. As the segment progressed Coulter's ravenous ego took control revealing her narcissistic fantasy world.
O'Reilly wouldn't mention the far left smear sites going after Coulter but claimed they will bludgeon anyone who disagrees. Coulter agreed adding they are a "good use for George Soros' money" Then she had a chance to use her shocker of the night calling liberals "Nazi block watchers who tattle on their parents. Little Nazi block watchers."
O'Reilly chuckled in mock shock mentioning that even Hannity wants Coulter off CNN. At this point Coulter, in awe of herself, announced, "Hannity only wants me on his show."
O'Reilly continued to feed Coulter's ego beast talking about the University of Conneticut blocking her campus appearance but inviting Cindy Sheehan calling it "staggering hypocrisy" which is something he understands deeply. Coulter claimed they rejected her because of "four massive NYT bestsellers."
Then she blurted that one of the smear sites had a debate about raping her. She seemed quite pleased with herself and obviously just wanted to remind viewers that she's everyone's ultimate fantasy. However, she forgot that this kind of talk gets O'Reilly all worked up and he urged her to tell all. Coulter looked uncomfortable like she really didn't want to take that road but it was too late.
"Do you believe these people want to see you harmed?" She tried to deflect claiming that all conservatives are physically attacked by Liberals because they have no ideas. He asked again, "Are these websites encouraging violence against you and others?" As the segment ended Bill was giving Coulter this grave warning.
"Be careful, Ann. These are bad people. Bad human beings!"
comment: As always there is more to this story. It seems that Coulter retaliated to an article on BradBlog by publishing the writer's personal information on her website which she refuses to remove despite the threats she's recieved. Coulter claims that "death is sexier than Lydia Cornell".
Coulter wants to believe that she's still the prettiest girl in the room but she's getting older and the sparkle does fade. Anyone remember "The Portrait Of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde? What if Coulter were the protaganist? Now that would be a compelling vision.