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Fourth Taser death since June in Sacramento

Sacramento Bee
Fri September 23, 2005

Area: Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto

SACRAMENTO, California - For the fourth time since June, a Sacramento-area man has died after being shocked by a law enforcement officer with a Taser stun gun.

Timothy Michael Torres, 24, of Rancho Cordova was pronounced dead early Thursday at UC Davis Medical Center, following a struggle with six Sacramento County sheriff's deputies in front of the where he lived with his parents, officials said.

The six deputies who had contact with Torres have been placed on administrative leave, as is customary in such cases, sheriff's spokesman Sgt. R.L. Davis said. Their names have not been released.

Increased police use of Taser stun guns nationwide has prompted scrutiny of the weapon's safety as an enforcement tool. However, a Taser shock has been determined to be the primary cause of death in only one case in the United States. The weapon's manufacturer, Taser International, has disputed that finding.

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