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Walmart Sweater
Walmart Sweater Walmart Sweater Walmart Sweater Walmart Sweater Walmart Sweater

Walmart apologizes for 'ugly Christmas sweater' showing Santa with three lines of a white substance and the words 'let it snow'

Daily Mail
Mon December 9, 2019

Walmart tested the boundaries of the 'ugly Christmas sweater' with an adult-only line of clothing that may have gone too far by featuring Santa Claus about to do illegal drugs.

The retail giant was selling, under its online options for 'ugly Christmas sweaters' on its website in Canada, a blue, knit item with a smiling Santa seated before three lines of a powdery white substance, what appears to be a straw in his hand and the words, 'LET IT SNOW'.

Walmart pulled the sweater and others with Santa in uncompromising and sometimes sexually-suggestive positions, after the images were spotted by potential customers and were posted on social media, Global News reports.

The retailer acknowledged through a spokesperson that the sweaters 'do not represent Walmart's values and blamed a third party seller for why they ended up online, reports Global News.

Jason John, who goes by the handle @HurrbaSousJohn, flagged the Santa 'snow' sweater on Twitter.

'Yall. Look at this description for this Christmas sweater,' he wrote in a post that includes a screen capture of the sweater's page on Walmart's Canadian website.

The 'exclusive' holiday garb which is simply supposed to be ugly goes much further with cringe-worthy language in the description that says Santa is calling for 'a Colombian snow', and that 'he packs it in perfect lines on his coffee table and then takes a big whiff to smell the high quality aroma of the snow'.

'It's exactly what he needs to get inspired for Christmas Eve', the wording continues.

'This Men's Let it Snow Ugly Christmas Sweater captures that moment when Santa is finally ready to enjoy the sweet, imported snow,' the site adds about the 'novelty' clothing which did give some a laugh.

'This is the best ugly Christmas sweater copy ever written', Zorina Baksh tweeted, with Walmart's hashtags in the post to get the retailer's attention.

Other 'ugly sweaters' that were pulled featured St. Nick in compromising positions, including him climbing a chimney with his bare buttocks hanging over an burning fire place and the words, 'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire'.

There also was a sweater with Santa, again bearing his behind, strapped to a table and about to be examined by an alien holding a 'probe'.

Another sweater has a 'naughty' St. Nick being whipped by a white-haired dominatrix dressed in red, which presumably is supposed to be Mrs. Claus.

The items, made by different manufacturer's, are still available on other sites.

It was unclear what threshold of 'ugly' Walmart uses for choosing sweaters that still are reflected within its 'value' set.

One ugly Christmas sweater featuring Santa seated on a toilet seat was being sold for about $37 on its website in the US.

A spokesman for he retailer declined to comment when reached out.

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