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Vladimir Putin
Putin during one of his annual Q&A conferences, indicating with his pen.
Vladimir Putin

FBI Now Agrees With The CIA: Russia Intervened To Help Trump Win The Election

Raw Story
Thu December 15, 2016

Another shoe just dropped in the 2016 presidential election Russian hacking scandal: It seems the FBI and the CIA now agree that Russia's goal with the hacks of the DNC and Clinton campaign official John Podesta was to help Donald Trump win.

Previously, the FBI had maintained that it didn't know the true motives behind Russia's hacks on Democrats, but The Washington Post reports that FBI Director James Comey has now acknowledged that the FBI shares the CIA"s conclusions.

"Earlier this week, I met separately with FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election," wrote CIA Director John Brennan in a message to employees cited by the Post.

While the FBI and the CIA both agree that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, they also believe the Kremlin had other goals in mind, such as undermining the confidence of the American electoral system.

The report on the FBI and CIA"s agreement on the purpose of Russia's hacks came just before President Barack Obama was scheduled to address the nation on the matter Friday afternoon.

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