Georgia church sign calls for death to gay people
Thu April 30, 2015
Area: Macon
A Milledgeville church known for stating what some would call extreme beliefs, now threatens the lives of gay people.
Robert Owens was just casually riding his bike on North Columbia Street in Milledgeville when he noticed a sign that read "Homosexuality is a Death Worthy Crime."
"This is the first time that I have ever seen anything that actually crossed the line and was inferring death upon a group," Owens said.
Having gay family members and friends, Owens says he found the sign to be very offensive.
"If it said being bald or blind or short or fat or blue-eyed or red head, if any of those were death worthy crimes, if they were causing people think "wow those people really need to die" that's a terrible thing, that's crossing line," Owens said.
The person responsible for the sign is Pastor Robert Lee of the Ten Commandments Church.
Lee says he sees nothing wrong with the sign and was just quoting Leviticus 20:13, a scripture in the Bible.
"Homosexuality is an abomination, and the Bible says that homosexuality is a death worthy crime," Lee said.
This is not the first time the pastor has posted eye opening signs on the front lawn.
The timing of this one coincides with the Supreme Court hearing arguments about the constitutionality of gay marriage.
If the court is paying attention to a small church on the outskirts of Milledgeville, Lee hopes they'll get the message.
"The institution of marriage was instituted by God and it should not be changed by people who deserve not to live," Lee said.
Meanwhile, Owens says the sentiment doesn't belong in Milledgeville.